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5° the Court Giuratoria SPETTABILE
Nel title: 1612 (Giurazia) of our town named Platia, paying 10,000 scudi (about 720,000 Euros now) to King Philip III of Spain and II of Spain (1568-1621) obtained the title of DEAR.
In addition to this title the King grants the privilege to administer civil justice in addition to the criminal proceedings (mero and mixed imperio) through the Court composed of three judges.
The new title, which also owns the nearby city of Caltagirone from 1603, gives the city greater prestige and consideration from the other, being deemed worthy of esteem and regard. In this period he has about 16,000 inhabitants, discreetly shot Platia calamities of famine, drought and plague endured four years earlier.
Among its inhabitants there are four accounts and thirty-nine barons, the municipality has undertaken to pay to the Superior General of the Jesuit order in Rome 12,000 scudi in 12 years for the transformation of "professed house" in "College" and citizenship is ready to reconstruction of the Palazzo del Vescovado demolished five years earlier to run the first project, then abandoned, the construction of the new Cathedral.
When next time we will go to Madrid, do not forget to admire the most beautiful and important square of Madrid, Plaza Mayor (pictured), the statue of the King who granted this title to our city four centuries ago.
26 years later, in 1638, his successor Philip IV of Hapsburg III of Spain (1605-1665), after receiving the sum of 20,000 donations of heavy shields from Madrid thanks renewing the title of 1517 "in los magnificos fieles y los amados nostros Jurados de la ciudad opulent de Plaza ".